Our company is actively seeking Joint Venture Opportunities and Equity Partners to grow the company’s Commercial Real Estate Portfolio.

Partnering with ACT Investment Properties, LLC, will guarantee:

  • 16 years of Real Estate Investment Experience, in Commercial Acquisitions.
  • A proven tract record of Investment Strategies and Experience that have yielded positive results.
  • A methodical and detailed analysis, providing both short and long term projections, to determine acquisition feasibility accounting for inflation of Operating Expenses and Rental Increases, based on sound assumptions.  Please view a sample analysis by clicking HERE .
  • A passive income; and if desired, a percentage of property ownership.
  • Partnership ROI is met because it is factored into as part of our company’s initial mathematical analysis, for a potential acquisition.
  • Complete transparency, a high level of ethics, and integrity.
  • Vast experience creating partnerships that always result in a “WIN-WIN” Situation, for all vested parties.



Before investing in Real Estate Hedge Funds, you may want to reconsider, for the following reasons:

  • Real Estate Hedge Funds are starting to report losses 10-K to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) because they acquired homes faster than they can renovate and find tenants.
  • One Real Estate Hedge Fund has found tenants for only 51 percent of the 9,931 homes it bought for $1.4 billion, according to a recent filing with the SEC.
  • An Arizona based Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT), and a New York based single-family REIT, both reported losses in the quarter ending March 31, 2013.

The above information is cited from an article written by Duncan Wierman.

  • Wall Street has begun to explore the option of securitizing the rental revenue.  Data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York shows that securitization inevitably leads to riskier behavior.
  • Real Estate Hedge Funds have no stake in the local community with no history of being landlords and a rigid bottom line to meet.
  • Real Estate Hedge Funds have partnered with large property Management Companies to deal with day-to-day operations.  The houses they purchase often come to them in substandard condition; and the Management Companies, with thin profit margins of their own, tend to renovate as little as possible before seeking renters creating substandard living conditions.
  • According to Shabnam Bashiri, an organizer with Occupy Our Homes Atlanta, “Contractors will put in random extras, like a faucet above the stove, just little bells and whistles.  They won’t fix the structural integrity of the homes.  They’ll do just enough to make them presentable to charge what they want.”
  • According to Shabnam Bashiri, “It will become harder to be able to rent without meeting the investor guidelines.”
  • A couple Hedge Funds have already fled the REO-to-rental space, claiming that returns were not as high as expected.
  • In the words of analyst Josh Rosner of Graham Fisher, “The speculative boom has returned.  Investors have begun to pull out of one of the leading edge markets.”

The above information is cited from the New Republic Magazine Article written by David Dayen.



Partnering with ACT Investment Properties, LLC guarantees Investors a solid opportunity to obtain a desired ROI, investing in Commercial Real Estate, that cannot be obtained investing in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds given the uncertainty in the global economy.  Our company’s years of Real Estate Investment Experience, in Commercial Acquisitions and Management, a proven tract record of positive results, our methodical analysis to determine acquisition feasibility, and complete transparency with a high level of ethics, and integrity provides assurance, to partners, that investing, with our company, will be performed the right way.  In addition, to partners obtaining their desired ROI, partners have the opportunity to build their net worth by having a percentage of property ownership. Partnerships, with our company will always result in a “WIN-WIN” Situation!

Investing in Real Estate Hedge Funds or a Real Estate Investment Trust is a losing proposition.  Many of these Investment Vehicles have reported losses to the SEC, have not met Investor Guidelines, and have fled the REO-to-rental space because returns were not as high as expected.  These investments have no history of being landlords and a rigid bottom line to meet, and they have acquired homes faster than they can renovate and find tenants.  Moreover, data from the Federal Reserve Bank, of New York, shows that Wall Street exploring the option of securitizing the rental revenue inevitably leads to riskier behavior.